October 27th & 28th: Joe Wolter Horsemanship Clinic (Hosted by Debbie Rocha)

October 27th & 28th: Joe Wolter Horsemanship Clinic (Hosted by Debbie Rocha)

Joe’s list of achievements is too long to mention. He has earned the highest regard of respect from his peers. Is considered an exceptional teacher and master horseman.

Before the legendary Ray Hunt passed away, I asked him who to turn to for a teacher to continue learning the things Ray had started me on. Rays response was without hesitation when he said, “Joe Wolter and Bryan Neubert”.  

It is an exceptional opportunity for horsemen and women in the area to come and learn from one of the industry’s best. Don’t be fooled by the clothes. Joe also has experience riding Hunters and mentors some of the best dressage riders in the country.

The clinic will begin at 8am. There will be a one hour break for lunch where folks can visit with Joe. Things will then continue until 5:00. Joe will be working with riders one on one.

Spectators are encouraged to bring a chair, lunch and beverage. The cost is $25/day to spectate.

Testing the New Versatility Trail Course

Testing the New Versatility Trail Course

Debbie Rocha has designed a Versatility Trail Course that was presented to the Trails Committee.

The Association now is ironing out the details and there are hopes that this course will be built in the near future in the area commonly known as the “Butterfly Trail”. The course will consist of log obstacles as well as a teeter bridge. It will be a fun and challenging course that will offer something for everyone!

Summer News from Royal Oak Stables

Summer News from Royal Oak Stables

The summer has flown by for Royal Oak Stables. Summer camps were a huge success this year! We had fun games, trails, prizes, pony painting, & even some popular dress up days! 

Royal Oak also had a great summer of horse showing! We started with a show at the fair that included an exciting victory in the MiniPrix for Juliana Sapp & Whisper. At the annual August Rancho Riding Club horse show, Royal Oak had 21 competitors earn nearly 100 ribbons in a single day. Way to go! Royal Oak also welcomed 4 new additions to its show team in walk trot: Tiffany Swanson, Heather Weckel, Mayannah Crevoiserat, & Victoria Bou. We wish them and the rest of our show team the best of luck at the upcoming Championship Show in Del Mar Sept. 28-Oct 3. 

Lastly, Royal Oak recently added a new mascot Cody to its team. Wanda & Cody have been learning how to jump in hand, wear a saddle, & hike the RSF trails. If you haven’t met Cody yet, stop by to see how adorable this mini is!

Another Great Season for Westwood

Another Great Season for Westwood

Westwood has had a great summer show season.  

The most recent shows at Showpark Del Mar Horse Park were a great success. 

The chestnut sisters doing it right. Willow CBF was Champion in the 2nd Yr. Green, and little sister With Affection was Champion in the AA Hunters with Katie Cook.  The week before Sybil Rose’s lovely mare Cassani Z winning over the jumps and the under saddle to earn the Reserve Champion in the 3’3″ Pre Green.  

Michelle Filanc and Kingsley winning the first Low A/O O/F class of the division. Within Reach and Stephanie Jensen winning the final class of the Low AA jumpers to cinch the Reserve Champion in their Division.  

Julie Hancock had a stellar week with Catch Me Jumping 4 clean rounds to the Champion in the Low A/O Jumpers, and Willow CBF showing her winning style to Champion and Classic winner in the very strong A/O Hunter division.

I couldn’t be more proud of all my ladies.   Pictures of Sybil Rose and Chanel, Stephanie Jensen and Within Reach and Willow CBF Champion in the 2nd Yr. Green Hunters.

The Latest Happenings at Caldwell Dressage

The Latest Happenings at Caldwell Dressage

The latest happenings at Caldwell Dressage was our monthly clinic with Paul Belasik this past weekend.  Great pointers and exercises for everyone. Even in the heat the horses and riders were stellar.

Upcoming horse shows for this month are the region 7 USDF  CDS championships and in October the spooktacular at showpark, and finishing the competition year in November with our yearly trek to Thermal.